Thursday, October 30, 2008

Don't Drink The Koolaid

Wow, another GREAT word from one of my fav mentors, Beth Jones:

"First off, you need to know that in the last days, mockers are going
to have a heyday. Reducing everything to the level of their puny feelings…"
2 Peter 3:3, Message

I love that the Bible doesn't candy-coat things or mince words! God makes it plain.

In these days, there will be mockers, scoffers, pundits, spin doctors, seducers, new age talk-show hosts, sacrilegious sit-com writers, partisan news anchors and outright liars. Unfortunately the credit crisis, global uncertainty, personal agendas, anti-American world leaders and the polarized political climate have just amplified the noise of the mockers.

It would be funny, if it wasn't so sad. The good news is that none of this is taking God by surprise. In fact, He's already given us His input; listen to His advice for believers:

"How well God must like you — you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road, you don't go to Smart-Mouth College. Instead you thrill to GOD's Word; you chew on Scripture day and night. You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, never dropping a leaf, always in blossom…GOD charts the road you take. The road they take is Skid Row." (Psalm 1:1-3, 6 Message)

So, what's our job in the midst of all this? Don't drink the Kool-Aid!

The mockers may not go away anytime soon…then again, God already knew that…

"Unscrupulous con men will continue to exploit the faith. They're as deceived as the people they lead astray. As long as they are out there, things can only get worse. But don't let it faze you. Stick with what you learned and believed, sure of the integrity of your teachers — why, you took in the sacred Scriptures with your mother's milk! There's nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another — showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us." (2 Timothy 3:13-17, Message)

Be bold, stay steady and strong in the Lord and His Word...

"Don't waste your time on useless work, mere busywork, the barren pursuits of darkness. Expose these things for the sham they are. It's a scandal when people waste their lives on things they must do in the darkness where no one will see. Rip the cover off those frauds and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ. Wake up from your sleep. Climb out of your coffins; Christ will show you the light! So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!" (Ephesians 5:11-16, Message)

Say This:

"Father, thank You for truth. Your Word is truth. Jesus is the the truth! I am so glad that I don't have to resort to mocking, scorning, deception, degrading and arguing with others. Help me make the most of every chance I get to share the truth! I choose You. I choose Your Word. Help me to live accordingly. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

In His Grip,
Beth Jones
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